How can smart energy management lead to smart sporting events ?
About Viva Technology
In 2019, the event reached 231 million people worldwide, bringing together 124,000 visitors including more than 13,000 startups, 3,000 venture capital firms and 2,500 journalists from 124 countries. This year, VivaTech will provide a hybrid experience, in-person in Paris and online worldwide, that will bring together an even larger community of innovators.
Main themes:
- Energy management
- Major events hosting innovation
- Sustainability, tackle environmental challenges
Intel is an industry leader, creating world-changing technology that enables global progress and enriches lives.
By embedding intelligence in the cloud, network, edge and every kind of computing device, we unleash the potential of data to transform business and society for the better.
The smart city of tomorrow will have to reinvent itself to host major events, especially major sporting events. More than ever, it is necessary to consider climate and environmental issues at all levels. The major events of the future will have to choose decarbonation and carbon compensation. But to do something wonderful, we will have to be creative, putting the exceptional at the service of everyday life.
How to make major sporting events smarter and more sustainable, via better energy management?
Since the PyeongChang 2018 Olympic Winter Games, Intel has been working across the Olympic Movement and with other Olympic partners to integrate technology into many facets of the Olympic ecosystem.
Intel is integrating technology and innovation around 5G technology, immersive media, artificial intelligence, drones and esports competitions as well as other silicon solutions to enhance the Olympic Games experience.
Alongside its work with partners and customers, Intel is looking to source innovations that could change the face of major events in terms of sustainability and energy management, in conjunction with its own products, and solutions.
Winners Prizes
- 1
- 2
- Will gain great exposure at VivaTech
- Be included in a VivaTech podcast episode to present their innovation
- Obtain a meeting with the Intel Olympic program office
- Obtain a meeting with Intel Ignite Startup incubator based in Munich
- Obtain a meeting with the Intel RISE Technology Initiative team
- Be offered 3 hours of marketing coaching
- Obtain 5 NUCs